Mit der zunehmenden Anzahl an Forschungsarbeiten, die die positive Wirkung des Trommelns belegen, steigt die Aufmerksamkeit für diese Methode in der psychotherapeutischen Praxis. Simon Faulkner beleuchtet in diesem Artikel die Parallelen zwischen körperorientierten Therapieformen und der Nutzung des Trommelns im therapeutischen Kontext.
#4 Work With What They Give You
In a Drum Circle we try to stay open for what happens in the moment. We try to use our radar to notice what people bring to the circle, how the common groove is developing and where it is heading. You might want to showcase a musical dialogue or a melody that appears. Maybe someone is playing culturally specific rhythms or someone is vocalising or dancing. There might be someone struggling to hold the drum or keep the beat. Maybe someone steps into the middle trying to take your role.