When preparing for a Drum Circle, doing the setup, welcoming the participants and doing the Drum Call, we try to create a safe space for everybody and we try to make everybody feel welcome. We try to „establish trust“. How can we transfer these abilities to the facilitation of our inner parts, our „inner Drum Circle“?
#1 The inner Drum Circle
This series will show you how you can use all the skills you have acquired as a Drum Circle Facilitator for your own self-care and personal development when feeling challenged.
Video Community Drum Circle
Zum alljährlichen Erlebnistag sollte es wieder einen Drum Circle geben, doch der Lockdown machte alle Planungen zu Nichte. Wie wir es trotzdem geschafft haben die Vielfalt und Gemeinschaft des Aktionsbündnisses erlebbar zu machen, seht ihr hier.
15. Mai 2022 | 13:30 Uhr | Drum Circle | Domwiese| Lübeck
Come and join us drumming for Peace.
Wir laden Menschen aller Nationen und Kulturen ein, gemeinsam zu musizieren.
In Kooperation mit Peter Kaiser und dem Haus der Kulturen.
8. Mai 2022 Drum Circle Bad Bevensen
Der Verein Vakuum e.V. lädt wieder zum Aktionstag Inklusion. Mit tollen Bands und einem großen Drum Circle beim Kurhaus in Bad Bevensen.
#0 Facilitating our inner Drum Circle
This series will show you how you can use all the skills you have acquired as a Drum Circle Facilitator for your own self-care and personal development when feeling challenged.
Virtual Drum Circle with the contribution of friends during the first lockdown 2020
Friends from all over Europe accepted my invitation and joined me in this video Drum Circle.
Drum Circle with myself during the first lockdown 2020
This was during the first two weeks of the first Lockdown during spring 2020. Bound not to do what I love and what I am trained for: creating community through rhythm, I started this project as an idea of a second best solution. Still somehow thankful for two weeks with nothing to do and still without any idea of how long this will accompany us.
5. März 2022 | Frauen*notruf Lübeck
Wir laden Frauen* mit Gewalterfahrungen ein, die zugleich belebende und beruhigende Wirkung von Rhythmus kennenzulernen bzw. wiederzuentdecken.